
I am a PhD student at Texas A&M University. My work focuses on coastal hydrodynamics in and around Galveston Bay, TX. My broader research interests and experiences include several themes in Coastal/Ocean Engineering and Experimental Fluid Mechanics. 


Master of Science in Ocean Engineering, University of New Hampshire

Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Oregon State University

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Purdue University

Research directions

Long wave mechanics in the nearshore zone

Photo credit : Tom Cozad

Free surface expressions induced from turbulent, coherent structures

Long ocean waves are typically generated from offshore weather systems, and propagate to our shorelines in the form of swells. These waves present a threat to coastal communities and nearshore ecosystems. Using a combination of laboratory and numerical experiments, I have demonstrated that cnoidal waves, a type of long wave, can be amplified in the vicinity of submegred, idealized reefs. Presently, I am investigating the influence of laterally periodic seafloor pits on the local hydrodynamics induced from swells. Excavating seafloor pits is a growing practice in several Small Island Developing States (SIDS). 
Related peer-reviewed & thesis publications: 
3. Bheeroo, V. & Yeh, H. (2022). Long-wave response to laterally periodic reef-lagoon bathymetry. Coastal Engineering, 178.
2. Bheeroo, V. & Yeh, H. (2021). Standing longwave formations in reef-lagoon bathymetries. Coastal Engineering, 168.
1. Bheeroo, V. (2019). Long wave amplification in a coral-reef lagoon. Master’s thesis

Photo credit: Fabio Muraro

The interaction of coastal flows with submerged obstacles, such as vegetation, coral cover and reef systems, tend to generate turbulent, coherent structures within the water column. These structures are often advected towards the ocean surface, and leave distinct expressions/signatures. I have explored laboratory techniques that allow for the reconstruction of dynamic free surfaces using optical methods. Specifically, I have conducted experiments for the case of a free surface subjected to (1) a submerged, free shear flow emanating from a jet and (2) gravity-capillary waves. These techniques allow for the reconstruction of the detailed water surface topography, which further assist with the detection and classification of several free surface dynamics. I am currently working on coupling measurements of free surface perturbations with the surface normal flow field for the case of a turbulent jet. This will shed light on the generation and propagation of coherent, eddy-like structures within the flow, as well as their role in the generation of gravity-capillary waves along the free surface. 
Related peer-reviewed & thesis publications:
2. Bheeroo, V. (2023). Laboratory techniques for measurements of a dynamic water surface. Master’s thesis
1.Bheeroo, V. & Mandel, T.L. (2023). Comparison of Schlieren-based techniques for measurements of a turbulent and wavy free surface. Experiments in Fluids, 64(6), 114.

Ocean surface current dynamics for pollutant transport

Photo credit: Forbes

Ocean current dynamics play a central role in influencing the fate and transport of marine pollutant, specifically floating litter such as plastic debris and oil spills. Using drones, it is possible to retrieve surface currents from doppler-shifted ocean gravity waves. Using this approach, I will be conducting measurements of surface currents over large expanses in Galveston Bay, TX. This area is prone to oil spills from frequent tanker traffic. Further on, I will couple the ocean current measurements with oil transport models for improved forecasts. 
Related peer-reviewed & thesis publications:
1. Bheeroo, V., Bae, S.B., Lee, M.-J., Socolofsky,S., Chang,K.-A. (2024). Using unmanned aerial systems for observations of water wave characteristics. Experiments in Fluids, 66(1).
In February, my colleagues and I conducted field surveys down in Galveston Bay and Freeport. We collected drone footage to observe the near-surface ocean current circulation behavior in and around the bay. We also deployed ADCP and CTD to visualize the interior flow field. Later in the month, I attended the Gulf of Mexico Conference (GOMCON), where I presented my research.  

June 2023


February 2025

I had the pleasure to be invited to talk about my on-going research work at the Environmental, Water Resources & Coastal Engineering seminar here at Texas A&M. I discussed some of the hydrodynamic processes that I’m currently investigating within Galveston Bay and surrounding areas.

December 2024

We published a paper titled "Using unmanned aerial systems for observations of water wave characteristics" in December. This work demonstrates the ability of extracting dominant wave characteristics from aerial videos of the ocean surface using Unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Notably, we use the proposed method for various cases: ocean waves, free surface undulations along a river, ship wakes. These UAS videos were captured from the field surveys spanning 2024. DOI: 

May/June 2024

February 2024

November 2023

We were back in Freeport and Galveston in May and June for some field testing. By equipping the drones to a specialized software, we managed to cover spatial extents in the order of kilometers. These very large ocean surface current maps allow for the detection of intricate flow patterns and structures. I presented some of these results at the International Symposium of Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH) at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 
I participated in this year’s 3 Minute Thesis and was fortunate to go all the way to the final leg. A very enriching experience. I also presented a poster at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Advisory Council (CEEAC) later in the month. 

August 2023

My paper titled "Comparison of Schlieren techniques for measurements of a turbulent and wavy free surface" was published in June. In this work, I have compared the performance of 3 different optical techniques for free surface measurements, notably "Free Surface Synthetic Schlieren", "Total Internal Reflection-Deflectometry" and "Moon-Glade Background Oriented Schlieren". DOI:

March/April/May 2023

Quite a few talks/presentations during the Spring 2023 semester. I was fortunate to qualify for the finals of the UNH 3 Minute Thesis competition. In April, I gave an oral presentation at the graduate research conference. In May, I presented a poster at the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering sympsoium.

November 2022

I attended 2 back-to-back conferences in November. First, I attended the Young Coastal Engineer and Scientist conference in Pensacola, FL. It was a great chance to meet fellow graduate students exploring topics in Coastal Engineering. I was thrilled to win an award for outstanding presentation. Later in November, I attended the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics conference in Indianapolis, IN. I took advantage of this opportunity to visit my undergraduate university, Purdue University. 

October 2022

My paper titled "Long-wave response to laterally periodic reef-lagoon bathymetry" was published in October. In this work, I showed the influence of submerged reefs of varying geometry on the induced wave field  from swells. Specifically, it is shown that the lee of the reef is an area of amplified wave activity in some cases. My analysis also revealed a strong offshore-directed current through aperture channels that flank the periodic reefs. DOI:

September-November 2021

I gave my very first research presentation at UNH in September as part of the weekly Ocean Engineering graduate seminar. In November, I presented at the Hydraulics & Hydrology graduate seminar at Purdue University. Purdue is where it all started for me, during my undergraduate days. 

June 2021

My paper titled "Standing longwave formations in reef-lagoon bathymetries" was published in June. This work is a continuation of my MS thesis from my time at Oregon State University. In this paper, I show the important long wave mechanics for the case of cnoidal waves traversing a submerged reef. Specifically, I identify higher harmonics that are amplified as a result of the long wave train interacting with the reef. DOI:

August 2020

In August, I started my graduate degree at UNH in the Ocean Engineering program. 
August was a busy month of transition. I completed my MS at UNH, with my thesis titled "Laboratory techniques for measurements of a dynamic water surface". I then embarked on a PhD at Texas A&M university, working on projects involving drones to quantify ocean hydrodynamics in Galveston Bay, TX.